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Pulse (pulse.wad)

=========================================================================== Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Pulse Filename : PULSE.WAD Release date : 07/27/16 Author : Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : Doom Core, Reverie, Eternally Yours, Vispire, some maps for various projects such as Doom II Unleashed, Plutonia Revisited, October, Interception, TNT2 & Revilution and some other stuff. Misc. Author Info : I might like video games... Description : Nothing worth taking seriously. This is like one of those WADs that are actually old but get posted on the idgames database. If you like '94-type levels, you may enjoy this. Good for IDCLEV-ing. Additional Credits to : Fraggle/kmxexii for encouraging the upload. Not sure if they want their names attached to this tho. :O =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 20 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : 01-20 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Some odd years ago. Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, XWE Known Bugs : none Tested With : Chocolate Doom Basically, MAP07-MAP16 are the Doom Core rejects, MAP01, 02 & 06 were experimental maps I made I think during or after Reverie to try my hand at purposely making an old-style '94/95 WAD (it's something of a guilty pleasure). The first map though is mostly inspired from Cleimos 2. MAP03 & 04 were speedmaps I made out of boredom at one point (of which MAP04 was going to be a mini 1024 set of maps where each map is a descent from a tower). MAP05 was a speedmap that was part of a speed mapping session dedicated to Doom's birthday one year. MAP13 was the original MAP28 of Doom Core but I couldn't find a way to convert that map to vanilla at the time (but it is now vanilla compatible). MAP17 & 18 are CC4 rejects when I was a little early on the scene of mapping. MAP19 was originally going to be MAP17 of Reverie but I never finished it, and MAP20 is 1ntru's birthday map that I never released as part of a mapset like this (old description - I've since re- leased both latter maps on Idgames). Some additional credit to David J. Finnamore for my re-using that PERLNDRA sky again and the sky from Eternal Doom. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors

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