Title: Eternal Mansion
Filename: ED_MM.WAD
Release Date: 05/2/16
Game: Doom 2
Engine Requirement: none
Author: Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce)
Email Address: [redacted]
Misc Author Info: Old school doomer.
Description: It's Metal Mansion from Reverie, now retextured to look and play like an Eternal Doom level. Requires Eternal Doom to play and replaces MAP15.
Tools used: Doom Builder
Known Bugs: none
Other wads by author: MAP13 & MAP30 PC_CP, MAP22 PRCP, Marine's Folly w/Mr. Chris, Doom Core, Reverie, Eternally Yours, Vispire, MAP05, MAP11, MAP18, MAP24 & MAP32 of Interception, MAP04 & MAP05 Oct11.wad, and some maps for a couple TNT projects and Back To Saturn X.
Credits: Id Software for Doom II and all that.
Build Time: 1 day
Big thanks to: Id Software, Team Eternal/TeamTNT and all playtesters.
*Play Information*
Level#: MAP15
Single Player: yes
Co-op: yes
deathmatch: no
new gfx: no
new sfx: no
new music: no
Dehacked/BEX Patch : no
T-Rex for pointing out a tutti-frutti effect and HavoX for getting stumped. :P
*Wad description/History*
Felt inspired from the DWmegawad club to play some Eternal Doom, then I was inspired to go back to my puzzle map
from Reverie and give it a rework for Eternal Doom cause I thought it would be cool.
Authors MAY NOT use any of these levels as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.