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Primary purpose : Single+Coop play / Deathmatch / No levels included
Title : DOOM(4) for DooM
Filename : D4D.pk3
Release date : 07-18-16
Author : DBThanatos, Major Cooke, Michaelis
Email Address : DBThanatos@hotmail.com
Other Files By Author : "Quake4 Lightning Fast Mod Doom Edition",
"Doomstorm", "AEons of Death", "Super Doom 3 Take II",
"The Ultimate Torment & Torture: Take II", "Dream of
magic 2.0"
Misc. Author Info : Stuff.
Description : A gameplay mod bringing some of the Doom4 mechanics
and it's weapons, with mods included.
Additional Credits to : See credit list below
* What is included *
New levels : None (unless you count the "Titlemap")
Sounds : Yes
Music : No
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : A plethora of Zdoom specifi lump
Other files required : None other than a recent GZdoom devbuild
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2 (compatible with Doom)
Map # : No
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes, a lot of them
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : 6 weeks
Editor(s) used : Slade, Programmer's notepad, GIMP, Audacity
Known Bugs : The latest Gzdoom devbuilds might corrupt savegames
May Not Run With : Anything but GZdoom devbuild. Will NOT work with
Zandronum. It might run in ZDoom but it will look
like crap due to color limitations.
Tested With : GZdoom devbuilds of July 9th
* Credits *
Neccronixis : Creator of all the Doom 4 weapon sprites &
doomdoll pickup and animation.
DBThanatos : Project idea and direction. Import, offseting,
renaming all of Neccronixis' weapon sprites.
Edited all muzleflash sprites from the weapons.
Created base functional code of all weapons.
Doom4 sound ripping, conversion and processing.
Created voxels for: ammo pickups, health pickups,
armor pickups, chaingun pickup and it's holograph
version, all holo system mod/upgrades and cursor.
Created sprites for all voxels DBT made.
Coding and adding all decals for monsters and
weapons. Coded all monsters. Titlemap. Menu
graphics and design. Implementation of DoomDoll
and grenade system. "Roach" monster recolor (which
was used as D4D imp). Game balance.
Resource gatherer and organizer.
Final polishing of visual effects.
Major Cooke : Design, creation and implementation of the "Holo
upgrade system". General overhaul of the weapon
code to enable "hold altfire to ready mod". Creator
of the BFG tracers and electric effects. Creator
of almost all particle effects, including bullet
tracers, pickup trails and just about every single
fancy particle system found in here. Finetunning
most of the DECORATE code. Deprecation of many
ACS based systems and ported them to DECORATE.
Implementation of "Double Double Trouble Trouble"
(double supershotgun) via overlays. Behavior and
visual effects of syphon grenade explosion. Coder
for spawned Holo-player. Developed and implemente
Half Life-like laser for Gauss Cannon and Static
rifle. General DECORATE mastermind.
Michaelis : Ripping, conversion and processing of graphics for
the Heads Up Display. Implementation of reticles
specific to each weapon, including the charging
animations. Rip/processing/implementation of blood
elements in the hud (along with cacodemon HUD hits)
General SBARINFO mastermind.
Roxas : Creator of the weapon voxels minus the "chaingun".
Teaching me how to do voxels from scratch.
Xaser : Assistance to create the Titlemap. General advisor.
Fine tunning of weapon animations.
* Other credits *
BeardedDoomGuy : Creating the "Demon tears mug" image.
The Zombie Killer : Footsteps scripting system & sounds.
Amuscaria : Monster sprites for arachnotron, archvile, hell
mancubus, baron of hell, pain elemental. All from
Demon Eclipse.
HorrorMovieGuy : Doom 64 pinky with clasic doom's color pallete.
Zanieon : Bullet tracer model & texture
Voxelbro : Allmap, radsuit & berserk voxels
id Software : Quake 4 / Doom 2016 sounds and graphics
Flying Wild Hog : Hard Reset Sounds
* Beta Testers *
- 3xlneed
- BeardedDoomGuy
- Colossus
- Hellser
- iSpook
- JonnyTheWolf
- Matsilagi
- TheZombieKiller
- TiberiumSoul
* For monsters from Realm667 *
- "Unmaker zombie" (chaingun guy replacement)
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Xim
- "Roach" (base sprite for imp)
Sprites vader
Sprite Edit: Ghastly_dragon, Mike12
- "Psychic soul" (lost soul replacement
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Neoworm, Maelstrom
- "Blasterborg" (shotgun guy replacement)
Sprites: Id Software, 3D Realms
Sprite Edit: Neoworm
- "Rapid fire trooper" (zombieman replacement)
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: NMN, Tormentor667
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. JUST LET ME KNOW :) Permissions have been obtained
from original authors for any of their resources modified or included
in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission
from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file
to allow further distribution.