Advanced engine needed : ZDoom/GZDoom
Primary purpose : No levels included
Title : AI Enhancements: A Decorate Experiment
Filename : AIDoom.pk3
Release date : May 1, 2016
Author : Chaosvolt
Email Address : Chaosvolt@yahoo.com
Other Files By Author : TFMod.pk3, Cheeki.pk3, DRLSpec, MDoomFix, other unreleased projects.
Misc. Author Info : Psycho bored dragon.
Description : Alters the behavior of every monster in the game, along with various other rebalances. Rudimentary line-of-fire checks, marching fire, enemies firing in volleys, along with numerous overall difficulty-increasing tweaks. See below for full details.
Additional Credits to : Kallin for help with playtesting, and revealing how nasty buffed shotgun zombies initially were.
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes, Decorate work only
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : Nothing except the requisite source ports
* Play Information *
Game : Doom/Doom 2/Final Doom
Map # : None
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : Roughly 3 days
Editor(s) used : Crudely hammered out via Notepad
Known Bugs : None known at this time
May Not Run With : Versions of ZDoom/GZDoom earlier than 2.8.1/g1.9.1
Tested With : ZDoom 2.8.1, GZDoom 1.9.1
Player-specific Changes:
* Fists are stealthy, the chainsaw can alert monsters while idling.
* Weapons gain differing levels of alert volume, making some weapons draw more attention than others.
* Shotshell maximum doubled.
* Rocket launcher and plasma rifle gain random spread if fired continously.
* Player projectiles can alert nearby monsters on impact.
Changes Common to Both Players and Monsters:
* All hitscan attacks (not just the super shotgun) gain vertical spread, with a comparable reduction in horizontal spread. This goes for both player weapons and monster attacks.
* All projectiles have a small area of effect on impact, set to increase the minimum damage of a direct hit without increasing the maximum. For non-rockets, the effect bypasses cyberdemon/mastermind immunity. Both player projectiles and monster projectiles are affected. Monsters are also immune to their own radius effects and those of their fellows.
* Bullet damage slightly increased.
* Shotgun buffed to fire 10 pellets, consistent with super shotgun's 20.
* Rockets have the same speed as plasma balls and BFG shots. Yes, this affects the cyberdemon too.
General Monster Changes:
* Monsters gain various health, speed, and aggression increases.
* Monsters can fire in volleys. One monster firing has a random chance of making nearby monsters follow suit.
* Monsters can potentially evade when aimed at, and have a chance of opening fire right afterward. Enemies with melee attacks will refrain from dodging when they get close enough.
* Monsters will hold their fire if a fellow monster blocks their direct line of fire, and may attempt to dodge to get a clear shot.
* Full-auto enemies can engage in marching fire.
Monster-specific Changes:
* Zombieman: Health increase, speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks, spread verticality. Bullet damage boosted slightly, can occasionally fire a short burst of shots.
* Shotgun Guy: Health increase, speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks, spread verticality. Number of pellets boosted to match the player's shotgun, damage per pellet reduced to make the net damage increase more tolerable.
* Chaingun Guy: Health increase, speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks, marching fire, spread verticality. Bullet damage boosted to match the player's chaingun.
* Wolfenstein SS: Health increase, speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks, marching fire, spread verticality. Uses Wolfenstein 3D-style attacks.
* Imp: Health increase, speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Demon: Health increase, speed increase, dodging. Can potentially move faster when close enough.
* Spectre: Health increase, speed increase, dodging. Can potentially move faster when close enough, no alert sound.
* Lost Soul: Speed increase, dodging. Explodes on death, will slow down and start homing when close enough, homing lost souls can't be halted by shooting them. Immunity to lost soul explosions.
* Cacodemon: Speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Bloodsplatter color fixed. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Pain Elemental: Speed increase, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Immunity to lost soul explosions.
* Hell Knight: Speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Bloodsplatter color fixed. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Baron of Hell: Speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Bloodsplatter color fixed, immunity to rocket/barrel explosions, can randomly fire two shots in sequence. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Revenant: Speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Non-homing projectiles move faster, homing projectiles maneuver more aggressively, both types of projectile explode on impact.
* Mancubus: Speed increase, volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks. Chance of firing a quick pair of parallel shots instead of the normal burst. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Arachnotron: Volley fire, dodging, line-of-fire checks, marching fire. Projectile moves faster, explodes on impact.
* Archvile: Health increase, speed increase, dodging. Can randomly use an attack that'll blast the spot initially targetted, can randomly summon monsters instead of attacking, can heal nearby living monsters when reviving.
* Spider Mastermind: Health increase, speed increase, dodging, line-of-fire checks, marching fire, spread verticality. Explodes on death, can direct ANY volley-firing monsters to initiate a volley.
* Cyberdemon: Dodging, line-of-fire checks. Can randomly engage in automatic or marching fire, explodes on death, can direct ANY volley-firing monsters to initiate a volley. Projectile moves faster.
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* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
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