Title : sluts.wad
Date Finished : current project of
Author : Sean Schroeder
Email Address : Sschroed@.cwo.com
Other Files By Author : 1sprite.wad, 2sprite.wad, 3sprite.wad
Misc. Author Info : I'm a decent artist.
Description : The only thing this wad will change is the help
page, which will have a sample drawing for my
current project, Deadslut.wad or redlite.wad.
The final project will replace all dead body
scenery ( twitching impaled, dead viles, etc. )
with drawings such as this. This is for good
or great (not bad) level authors to look at
and decide if this is a project they want to
help with.
I don't make levels ( I'm more into graphics plus
my 386 doesn't allow me to ) and if you do, and
can do good ones, I am seeking authors to create
red light district levels to acompany my whores.
If you want to collaberate, please E-Mail me. If
I don't get any response, I'll have to upload
the whole thing level-less and I'd just hate to.
I don't care how much response I get, the more
levels the better I guess, but it just wouldn't
seem complete without ONE. If you like my drawing
and want to make a cool level filled with butchered
hookers, E-Mail me!
DEADSLUTS will definately end up in the X-rated
directory, but it's not supposed to be kinky or
whatever. The basic goal in mind is to do something
completely realistic in terms of where a space
marine could end up. Something totally disgusting
and horrible, the last place on earth anyone
would want to go.
Sean Schroeder