This is a simple wadfile that contains all the imp sprites, with the names of
the player sprites. This will cause violent, imp carnage. Just for DM unless
you wanna mess with Dehacked frame pointers. Why would you do this though?
Imps are already in Doom!
Made on 5/2/98 after a request on the messageboard found at the Doom Legacy
website (
This particular version lacks facial graphics and the ability to change colors
in DM. Future versions, if requested, will contain these things, in the form
of colored imp eyes and maybe spikes (not likely on the latter unless
To use this, use DeuSF to add all the sprites to the wadfile, or just merge it
into your main IWAD (doom.wad or doom2.wad).
Merge command: deusf -merge imp.wad
Add command (leaves main IWAD alone): deusf -as imp.wad
If you merge the imp wad and decide to remove it, type
deusf -restore doom.wad
substitute doom2.wad if necessary.
Lord HC