Title : Full of Lead (FULOLED.WAD)
Date Finished : 4/12/95
Author : Michael Sims
Email Address : phsims@cypress.mcsr.olemiss.edu
Other Files By Author : N/A
Misc. Author Info : I'm a student at the University of Mississippi,
currently majoring in Computer Science. I
welcome E-mail of any kind, so drop me a line
and tell me what you liked, or what you didn't
like, or what you thought sucked royally.
(P.S. I would absolutely love to see a *.lmp
of a game played on this level, especially if
it is a 3 or 4 player game! Please! Please! )
Description : This is a DEATHMATCH-ONLY pwad for DOOM ][.
SIGH!!! ANOTHER ONE? Yes, but I think this
one will be worth your download. First of
so the game does not turn into HealthWars.
There is a strategically placed medkit and
beserk pack, along with a few stimpacks. There
are plenty of weapons to prevent anyone from
gaurding them all. I've tried to make this
level a very playable deathmatch design. All
weapons are present, except the BFG. (I rarely
like the BFG for deathmatch games, except when it
is strategically placed (such as in DANZIG13.WAD).
I've added a few features to this level which, in
my opinion, sets it apart from most deathmatch
levels currently available:
1. Although the plasma gun is available, it rests on a platform that must
be dropped by a remote switch, which also drops a lift elsewhere in the
level that contains a beserk pack. This makes getting the plasma gun a
risky venture. Also, there are no energy cells lying around, so you'd
better make that ammo count.
2. One of the metal pillars in the inside room has a walk-thru linedef on
the west side. This allows players to enter the pillar and ambush their
opponent, or hide from them when they get low on health.
3. There are several sniper positions from which you can frag your buddy,
and I've tried to make the level a very "open" one, so most of the time
you have a pretty good idea of where your opponent is.
4. There is a medium-sized semicircular courtyard for those plasma and
rocket battles. A small bunker in the courtyard has a chaingun and
a spy hole that is aimed towards the door of the courtyard.
5. Stepping over the rocket-launcher platform in one of the courtyard
buildings triggers several lifts throughout the sector to fall,
which gives away your position to your enemy.
6. This level contains a cooperative exit to prevent one player from
exiting when the other isn't ready.
Additional Credits to : ID, of course, for making the best two-player
game ever.
To the creators of the IGOR and DANZIG death-
match levels. Those guys are absoluted GODS
when it comes to making an awesome PLAYABLE
deathmatch level. I'd especially welcome
any E-mail from you guys.
The creators of Doom Construction Kit 2.2.
Robert Maze, for beta-testing and design help.
Jason Mattox, for beta-testing.
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 01
Single Player : Yes (only if you want to check it out by yourself)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes!!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : No\
New Music : No >--- Who needs it? Crank up the Death Metal
New Graphics : No/ and get ta fraggin! (The Jurassic Park
Demos Replaced : None soundtrack [track #9] works well too!)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : About 40 or so hours, I didn't really time it.
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2, the most intuitive level editor I have
*ever* seen.
Known Bugs : None, unless you find a texture or two misalinged
by a pixel here or there.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. If this is distributed on a CD-ROM, all I ask is that you
send me a copy of the CD.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors (but don't you already have it
since you're reading this!?!?!????)
BBS numbers: N/A
Other: Wherever it may end up.