You wake from your nap...
Was it a scream that had woke you... or just part of a dream?
This cleaning job just doesn't pay...
Too many dangerous chemicals and wierd experiments going on in
the companies in this complex.
There is an odd smell that greets you as you Open the door.
A revolver is laying on the ground. You pick it up and notice that
it is loaded.
Just then there is a gutteral noise... An alarming yell...
You spin in time to see a crazed guard with a shotgun pointed at you!
You run just as he fires. From the look in his eyes, it will be
"shoot first and ask questions later"...
Title : GOTCHA 3
Filename : GOTCHA3.WAD
Author : Bruce Vautherot
Email Address :
Description : This is a map of an industrial complex.
It would seem that there has been some
wierd experiments going on with the
rival companies in this community.
It seems that while you were sleeping in
a secluded room, something has happened
to the security personnel that has made
them into killing machines.
It has well lit buildings with lots of
windows, the outside is kinda dark.
There are quite a few buildings and there
is a stream. The weapons in this include
the shotgun, chaingun, and rocket launcher,
depending on the level of play and what
type of play. It is a good deathmatch level.
Additional Credits to : My wife. My 3 kids (who helped test it)
The guys at work. (after hour doom-boys)
The DoomEd editor. FANTASTIC!! EXCELLENT!!!
The DoomCad 4.2 editor for platform assign and
integrity checks.
All the Internet Posters for ideas.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES!!!!!
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Additional Information *
Level 1 is really easy... with primarily only shotgun guys.
Level 4 is tougher... as it should be.
There is an exit, you have to hit the wall at the end of the north
road, this will make a switch appear which will make a switch appear
at the south end of the same road. That switch will make an exit switch
appear at the south-west road end.
If you like this wad, pick up the other "gotcha" wad files for more
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : 26 Hours (who cares?)
Editor(s) used : DoomEd & DoomCad 4.2
Known Bugs : There are a few areas where there are some
minor HOM effects, no show stoppers. Nothing
will clean them up.
* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad may be used as a base to build additional levels.
Steal whatever you want. Have as much fun as you can with it.
You MAY distribute this WAD as is, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
If you ALTER the WAD, please remove this file from any distribution.