Tile: Ave Satanus level
Filename: Manitou.wad
Author: Gregor Fran
You awake from a bad dream. It was one of the worst ones you've had yet.
It was about you wandering around the catacombs of hell fighting off
demonic entities. You remember seeing satanic marks everywhere. You
even fought the evil lords in their own symbol. But before you could
defeat them you woke up. But did you really. You look around and feel
uncomfortable as you stare into a large inverted cross. You lost to them
in your dream and now is your only chance to fight them again and win.
And so you set out on your quest to conquer the keepers of the cross.
Level: e2m1
Build time: 30 hrs
Editors: deu 52 bsp 12 dmmusic 10
Known bugs: none
Single player: yes
Cooperative: no
Death match: no
New graphics: no
New demos: no
New sound effects: no
New music: Yes. Full credit is given to W.Wild and J.Proveaux for
brilliantly interpreting and composing the theme music
for the movie Halloween.
Players may use or edit this wad as they so desire. I just ask that they
credit me for my beginning efforts. Distribution of this wad is
encouraged and I hope that all who plays it enjoys it.