Title : The Kicker!
Filename : BDS1.WAD
Author : Barry D. Sebastian
Email Address : Ballistiks@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : Wife detests DOOM...Live in Cincinnati, Ohio...
Probably will never grow up...
Description : If you love the game, you'll want to add this WAD
to your collection! A lot of thought and time went
into it's design, and I hope you'll enjoy it.
Every monster EXCEPT the Spiderdemon makes an
appearance, and every weapon EXCEPT the BFG9000 is
available - with ample ammo (you'll need it!). The
level has 4 main areas: The Red Room (I recommend
blasting the Baron in the dark balcony before
leaving with the Blue Skull key); The huge parapet
area (patiently pick away at the Cyberdemon from the
ground level where the Red Skull key is (you'll
see!) - then go up and collect the goodies...); The
computer room, where the chainsaw works nicely on
the Demons - and you can transport to a "challenge"
that will net you the Yellow Skull key; --->and if
you choose NOT to take the first EXIT - you can
transport to the 4th area, "The Tiered Section".
This last section was a real challenge to make -
'DEU' to it's size, and many 2-sided linedefs, some
strategically located walls were necessary to
eliminate some HOM effects. If you can make it
through alive to the 2nd switch on the bottom tier,
you'll have to move quickly to get to the 'door' out
before it closes (watch for the Sargents and Imps).
If you find yourself low on ammo and health, there
is a teleporter that will take you back to the top
of this section to 'scavenge'. Finally, the EXIT at
the top of the elevator will take you to game two's
secret level. If you've never been there before -
have fun!! (:->)
This is a large level, and my best advice is to KEEP
MOVING! The more you play it, the more fun it
becomes (you'll find a few shortcuts & secrets).
Deathmatch is a trip, especially if you have a friend
who's style you are familiar with (I've only tried
this with 2-man). I recommend a lower difficulty
level with D-M. If you want to watch me go through
this level and show you MOST of the secrets, play the
demo I've included. Assuming you have unzipped
BDS1.exe into your DOOM directory...
From the DOOM directory type:
doom -file bds1.wad -devparm -playdemo bds1
To PLAY this level:
From the DOOM directory type:
doom -file BDS1.wad ,and choose Shores of
Hell at a difficulty level of your choice...
Just for the Shores-of-Hell-of-it, I've included a
bunch of .BMP file snap shots that are neat to use as
wallpaper in Windows (or in a screensaver - if you
have the right kind). You can "view" them with any
graphics viewer, i.e. cshow...
Additional Credits to : Phil Sevenants for beta testing with me, DEU and BSP
creators, all the creative minds out there making
cool levels, and of course ID Software (can't wait
to see "Hell On Earth"!)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E2M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : Available for this level (in game 2) see above
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DEU 5.2, BSP
Known Bugs : One sky texture briefly visable when passing through
the door on the very bottom of the "tiered section".
You probably won't even notice it...
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors - please be original and come up with your own ideas - don't use
this WAD as a base for something you're doing. It makes it more fun for all
of us!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: AOL - DOOM area (if you liked it, pass it around! - maybe it will
find it's way to some BBS's...)
This material is not supported or warranted by ID Software, Inc.